Hotel Giulia

Maps / Directions

Hotel Giulia

via Gioacchino Ascoli 15 - 54100 Marina di Massa (MS)

GPS coordinates:
44° 00'09.38" (latitude) 10° 09'90.68" (longitude)

Get road information starting from Massa Highway toll

How to reach us:

Through motorway we are reachable from South, through Autosole A1, as far as Firenze and then through the Firenze Mare A11 and the Livorno-Genova A12. Go out from the Tollhouse of Massa and follow the indications to Marina di Massa.

The Massa (MS) station is well served from hte most important Italian cities;once in Massa "navettes" will take people directly to Marina di Massa.

The international airports in Pisa(reserve a car), Genoa and Florence provide reliable transport to Massa

Hotel Giulia - via Gioacchino Ascoli 15 - 54100 Marina di Massa (MS)

Riviera della Versilia, Tuscany

Telephone: +39 0585 24 00 67 Fax: +39 0585 243 701

VAT: 00585660459
